Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Crystal Sdn. Bhd will be formed as a project management, sales service company specializing in providing high quality service in project planning, testing, commissioning, maintenance and sales.
Our main product is Cell phone Leakage Meter (CLM) which is the to determine the level of radiation at varying distances. These products can investigate if your cell phone emits microwave radiation. It provides digital microwave oven leakage meter. The digital microwave oven leakage meter can determine which microwave frequencies your phones should use so that you can both talk. With CLM, problems such as damage the genetic material in body's molecules, illness, burns and cataracts will be avoid.
Managed by the directors, who have bachelor in electrical engineering and electronic, telecommunication engineering, it is should become an added value to our product.  Crystal Sdn. Bhd is located at Jalan Multimedia, Persint 1, Cyberjaya , Selangor. The company will produce the prototype and design the system for the CLM and sales the product to the manufacture, directly to the customers and also by online.
Crystal Sdn Bhd attained an objective of becoming a leading company which produce portable cellphone leakage meter for user use it with safety and can help some people are concerned about health when that using the cell phone too much where it can be hazardous to our health. With the technology, CLM is created to help the customer who are using the cellphone. Cyrstal  Sdn Bhd with expertise and experience back up with strong technical knowledge understanding and confident to fulfill the client's expectations and deliver our product to the satisfaction.

The company owners have provided the capital to cover the start-up expenses. The initial start up costs is amount to RM 500,000. All the founders provided an initial investment RM 125,000 towards start-up costs. This business plan is a platform for company to run its operation smoothly and efficiently with flying colours in order to meet its goal, vision and mission.     

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